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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hazardous Environment - Motors

Atmospheres can be classified as:

* Non-explosive atmosphere; the atmosphere does not contain explosive elements and all types of standard products can be used.
* Explosive atmosphere; the atmosphere does contain potentially explosive elements, either gas or dust.
Explosive atmosphere is referred to as 'Hazardous area' in IEC countries and 'HAZLOC' in North America

Equipment for explosive atmosphere is designed, installed, operated and maintained according to International standards and local regulations dedicated to this area.

Hazardous Area or Location is defined by 4 elements:
* Class
* Zone
* Group
* Temperature Class

Explosive atmosphere

The relevant parameters below characterize the potentially explosive atmosphere:

* Frequency with which potentially explosive atmosphere may exist
* Capability of gas or dust atmosphere to create an explosion

Explosive gas and dust is classified according to its likelihood to be ignited, according to its characteristics:

* Minimum ignition energy
* Minimum ignition temperature
* Auto-ignition temperature
* Layer ignition temperature"


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